Tiger Got Your Goat? Here’s Who to Call
Dawn breaks to reveal the elephants’ damage: footprints the size of large woks puddled with rain, a wire fence mangled beyond repair, healthy tomato plants [...]
Dawn breaks to reveal the elephants’ damage: footprints the size of large woks puddled with rain, a wire fence mangled beyond repair, healthy tomato plants [...]
“Our research revealed that 57% of households in the area reported crop loss to authorities, 64% reported livestock loss, and 77% reported human injury or [...]
Dr. K. Ullas Karanth was interviewed for the the Scientific American 'Science Talk' Podcast. In the podcast, Steve Mirsky speaks to Dr. Karanth about his [...]
Dr. Krithi Karanth was featured on the BBC 'Outlook' Podcast. On the podcast, Dr. Karanth talks about her early initiation into conservation and of her [...]
Chief Conservation Scientist - CWS, Dr. Krithi K. Karanth spoke at TEDxGateway of her mission to rewild India and about what every person can do to [...]
At INK2013 held in Kochi, Dr. Krithi K. Karanth discussed why the key question facing a developing India was "Is there room for wildlife?" and [...]
Chief Conservation Scientist – CWS, Dr. Krithi K. Karanth spoke at TEDxMAIS organized by the Mallya Aditi International School. She related her experiences of working [...]