


By |2018-01-04T13:00:27+05:30January 4, 2018|

271. Chang, CH, Karanth, K.K., Robbins, PR. (2018) Birds and beans: Comparing avian richness and endemism in arabica and robusta agroforests in India’s Western Ghats. Scientific [...]


By |2018-01-04T12:45:24+05:30January 4, 2018|

270. Karanth, K.K., Surendhra, A. (2018) Species and Sites Matter: Understanding human-wildlife interactions from 5000 surveys in India. Conservation and Development in India: Reimagining Wilderness (Ed: Shonil [...]


By |2018-01-04T12:30:52+05:30January 4, 2018|

269. Kshettry, A., Vaidyanathan, S., & Athreya, V. (2018) Diet selection of leopards (Panthera pardus) in a human-use landscape in North-Eastern India. Tropical Conservation Science 11: 1-9


By |2018-01-04T12:15:12+05:30January 4, 2018|

268.  Srivathsa, A., Puri, M., Kumar, N.S., Jathanna, D., Karanth, K.U. (2017) Substituting space for time: Empirical evaluation of spatial replication as a surrogate for temporal replication [...]


By |2018-01-04T12:00:09+05:30January 4, 2018|

267. Karanth, K.K., Jain, S., & Weinthal, E. (2017) Human–wildlife interactions and attitudes towards wildlife and wildlife reserves in Rajasthan, India. Oryx. 1-9. doi:


By |2018-01-04T11:45:53+05:30January 4, 2018|

266. Nichols, J.D., Karanth, K.U., Gopalaswamy, A.M., Reddy, G.V. & Miquelle, D.G. (2017) Informed decision processes for tiger conservation: a vision for the future. Methods [...]


By |2018-01-04T11:30:37+05:30January 4, 2018|

265. Vasudev, D., Nichols, J.D., Ramakrishnan, U., Ramesh, K. & Vaidyanathan, S. (2017) Assessing landscape connectivity for tigers and prey species. Methods for Monitoring Tiger [...]


By |2018-01-04T11:15:35+05:30January 4, 2018|

264. Mondol, S., Ramakrishnan, U., Smith, O. & Jathanna, D. (2017) Concepts and practices: Assessing tiger population dynamics using genetic captures. Methods for Monitoring Tiger [...]


By |2018-01-04T11:00:39+05:30January 4, 2018|

263. Karanth, K.U., Nichols, J.D., Harihar, A., Miquelle, D.D., Kumar, N.S. & Dorazio, R.M. (2017) Field practices: Assessing tiger population dynamics using photographic captures. Methods [...]


By |2018-01-04T10:45:26+05:30January 4, 2018|

262. Royle, J.A., Gopalaswamy, A.M., Dorazio, R.M., Nichols, J.D., Jathanna, D., Parameshwaran, R. & Karanth, K.U. (2017) Concepts: assessing tiger population dynamics using capture-recapture sampling. [...]

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