
CWS has outlined several policies to safeguard the interests of all stakeholders, trustees, employees and the general public, which includes child protection policy, sexual harassment and whistle blower’s policy.

Child Protection

The aim of the Child Protection policy is to keep the children we interact with safe from the risk of harm caused by neglect and/or abuse. It aims to reduce children’s vulnerability and protect their innocence by providing them with the necessary support required for them to thrive in all environments.


CWS P.O.S.H Policy

CWS maintains a safe work environment which is conducive for all personnel, free from sexual harassment and discrimination. In the unlikely chance of such an occurrence, we enable a fair mechanism for handling such conduct as per the The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013.


Whistleblower Policy

CWS is committed to adhere to the highest standards of ethical, moral and legal conduct of operations. The Organisation encourages employees who have concerns about suspected misconduct to come forward and express these concerns without fear of punishment or unfair treatment. This policy aims to provide an avenue for employees.


Social Media Policy

Our passion for wildlife research, conservation, policy and education involves meticulous planning and execution of our projects, and is evident in the way we share our stories about our work through media. At CWS, we remain politically neutral and refrain from making biased, uninformed comments on political activities or advocacies.


Equal Employment Policy

We confirm that CWS operates an equal employment policy with occasional updates as necessary. It is our policy to provide equal, unbiased membership/employment/service opportunities to all eligible persons across all CWS programs and to administer these personnel policies and practices in accordance with all applicable laws in India.



Mr. Vikram Vaidyanathan
Mr. Vikram VaidyanathanManaging Trustee
Mr. Avinash Sosale
Mr. Avinash SosaleTrustee
Mr. Chetan Babu Velkur
Mr. Chetan Babu VelkurTrustee
Mr. Alok Prasanna
Mr. Alok PrasannaTrustee