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261. Dorazio, R.M., Kumar, N.S., Royle, J.A. & Gopalaswamy, A.M. (2017) Concepts and practices: Estimating abundance of prey using hierarchical model-based approaches. Methods for Monitoring [...]


By |2018-01-04T10:15:18+05:30January 4, 2018|

260. Kumar, N.S., Harihar, A., O’Kelly, H.J. & Pattanavibool, A. (2017) Field practices: Estimating abundance of prey using line transect sampling. Methods for Monitoring Tiger [...]


By |2018-01-04T10:00:10+05:30January 4, 2018|

259. Strindberg, S., Kumar, N.S., Thomas, L. & Goswami, V.R. (2017) Concepts: Estimating abundance of prey using line transects sampling. Methods for Monitoring Tiger and [...]


By |2018-01-04T09:45:48+05:30January 4, 2018|

258. Kumar, N.S., Puri, M., Miquelle, D.G, Pattanavibool, A., Harihar, A., Sunarto, S., Vaidyanathan, S. & Karanth, K.U. (2017) Field practices: Assessing tiger habitat occupancy [...]


By |2018-01-04T09:30:46+05:30January 4, 2018|

257. Nichols, J.D., Goswami, V.R., Parameshwaran, R., Dey, S. & Karanth, K.U. (2017) Concepts: assessing tiger habitat occupancy dynamics. Methods for Monitoring Tiger and Prey [...]


By |2018-01-04T09:15:32+05:30January 4, 2018|

256. Nichols, J.D., Karanth, K.U., Gopalaswamy, A.M. & Delampady, M. (2017) Animal population monitoring: A unified conceptual framework. Methods for Monitoring Tiger and Prey Populations (eds [...]


By |2018-01-04T09:00:03+05:30January 4, 2018|

255. Karanth, K.U., Goodrich, J.M., Miquelle, D.G., Ramesh, K., Harihar, A., Pattanavibool, A., Sunarto, S., Rayan,M.,D. & Thapa, K. (2017) Tiger ecology in relation to monitoring [...]


By |2018-01-04T08:45:45+05:30January 4, 2018|

254. Karanth, K.U., Nichols, J.D., Goodrich, J.M., Reddy, G.V., Mathur, V.B., Wibisono, H.T., Sunarto, S., Pattanavibool, A., & Gumal, M. (2017) Role of monitoring in [...]


By |2021-06-10T12:14:53+05:30January 4, 2018|

253. (2017) Science and Conservation of Wildlife Populations: K. Ullas Karanth. Natraj Publishers, New Delhi.


By |2018-01-04T08:15:16+05:30January 4, 2018|

252. Miller, J., Linnell, J., Athreya, V., and Subharanjan Sen. (2017) Human-wildlife conflict in India. Economic and Political Weekly. 52(45): 23-25

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