


By |2018-01-03T11:30:59+05:30January 3, 2018|

170. Goswami, V.R., Lauretta, M. V, Madhusudan, M.D. & Karanth, K.U. (2012) Optimizing individual identification and survey effort for photographic capture-recapture sampling of species with temporally variable [...]


By |2018-01-03T11:15:09+05:30January 3, 2018|

169. Gubbi, S. (2012) Patterns and correlates of human–elephant conflict around a south Indian reserve. Biological Conservation, 148, 88–95.


By |2018-01-03T11:00:15+05:30January 3, 2018|

Hedges, S., Kumar, N.S., Nishant, M.S. & Karanth, K.U. (2012) Estimating density and abundance of elephants from sightings along line transects: field methods. Monitoring Elephant Populations and Assessing [...]


By |2018-01-03T10:45:21+05:30January 3, 2018|

167. Karanth, K.U. (2012) Leopard. Mammals of South Asia – Volume 1 (eds A.J.T. Johnsingh & N. Manjrekar), pp. 559–573. Universities Press (India) Private Limited, Hyderabad, India.


By |2018-01-03T10:30:18+05:30January 3, 2018|

166. Karanth, K.U. (2012) Tiger. Mammals of South Asia – Volume 1 (eds A.J.T. Johnsingh & N. Manjrekar), pp. 596–614. Universities Press (India) Private Limited, Hyderabad, India.


By |2018-01-03T10:15:38+05:30January 3, 2018|

165. Karanth, K.K., DeFries, R., Srivathsa, A. & Sankaraman, V. (2012) Wildlife tourists in India’s emerging economy: potential for a conservation constituency? Oryx, 46, 382–390.


By |2018-01-03T10:00:46+05:30January 3, 2018|

164. Karanth, K.K., Gopalaswamy, A.M., DeFries, R. & Ballal, N. (2012) Assessing patterns of human-wildlife conflicts and compensation around a central Indian protected area. PLoS ONE, 7, e50433.


By |2018-01-03T09:45:52+05:30January 3, 2018|

163. Karanth, K.U., Hedges, S., Kumar, N.S. & Nichols, J.D. (2012) Estimating distribution and abundances of elephant populations from sign surveys at the landscape scale using occupancy [...]


By |2018-01-03T09:30:49+05:30January 3, 2018|

162. Karanth, K.U. & Karanth, K.K. (2012) A tiger in the drawing room: can luxury tourism benefit wildlife? Economic & Political Weekly, 47, 38–43.


By |2018-01-03T09:15:49+05:30January 3, 2018|

161. Karanth, K.U., Kumar, N.S., Goswami, V.R., Nichols, J.D. & Hedges, S. (2012) Estimating abundance and other demographic parameters in elephant populations using capture– recapture sampling: field [...]

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