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180. Karanth, K.K., Naughton-Treves, L., DeFries, R. & Gopalaswamy, A.M. (2013) Living with wildlife and mitigating conflicts around three Indian protected areas. Environmental Management, 52, 1320–1332.


By |2018-01-03T13:45:48+05:30January 3, 2018|

179. Mathai, J., Jathanna, D. & Duckworth, J.W. (2013) How useful are transect surveys for studying carnivores in the tropical rainforests of Borneo? Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 28, [...]


By |2018-01-03T13:30:03+05:30January 3, 2018|

178. Nair, T. & Krishna, Y.C. (2013) Vertebrate fauna of the Chambal River Basin, with emphasis on the National Chambal Sanctuary, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 5, [...]


By |2018-01-03T13:15:17+05:30January 3, 2018|

177. Punjabi, G.A., Chellam, R. & Vanak, A.T. (2013) Importance of native grassland habitat for den-site selection of Indian foxes in a fragmented landscape. PLoS ONE, [...]


By |2018-01-03T13:00:07+05:30January 3, 2018|

176. Sridhara, S., Edgaonkar, A. & Kumar, A. (2013) Understorey structure and refuges from predators influence habitat use by a small ungulate, the Indian chevrotain [...]


By |2018-01-03T12:45:22+05:30January 3, 2018|

175. Choudhary, S., Dey, S., Dey, S., Sagar, V., Nair, T. & Kelkar, N. (2012) River dolphin distribution in regulated river systems: implications for dry-season flow regimes [...]


By |2018-01-03T12:30:35+05:30January 3, 2018|

174. Gangal, M., Arthur, R. & Alcoverro, T. (2012) Structure and dynamics of southeast Indian seagrass meadows across a sediment gradient. Aquatic Botany, 98, 34–39.


By |2018-01-03T12:15:40+05:30January 3, 2018|

173. Gopalaswamy, A.M., Karanth, K.U., Kumar, N.S. & Macdonald, D.W. (2012) Estimating tropical forest ungulate densities from sign surveys using abundance models of occupancy. Animal Conservation, 15, 669–679.


By |2018-01-03T12:00:46+05:30January 3, 2018|

172. Gopalaswamy, A.M., Royle, J.A., Delampady, M., Nichols, J.D., Karanth, K.U. & Macdonald, D.W. (2012) Density estimation in tiger populations: combining information for strong inference. Ecology, 93, 1741–1751.


By |2018-01-03T11:45:55+05:30January 3, 2018|

171. Gopalaswamy, A.M., Royle, J.A., Hines, J.E., Singh, P., Jathanna, D., Kumar, N.S. & Karanth, K.U. (2012) Program SPACECAP: software for estimating animal density using spatially explicit capture–recapture models. Methods in [...]

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